Getting Back on Track After Thanksgiving

It’s easy to throw in the towel once you’ve let yourself indulge in all the greatness that Thanksgiving has to offer. You’d be surprised how easy it is to get back on track. Don’t let yourself slip further away from the healthy life you deserve.

Your one meal, one workout away from hopping back on the weight loss train!
Recommit right now. Don’t wait for the new year to make the right choices, put your best foot forward today!

Here’s some tips to get you back on track.

1. Bring out your food journal. Writing down what your consuming will help you make better choices later in the day & throughout the week.

Download our Weekly Food Journal

2. Drink water for optimal weight loss results. Drink at least 64 oz daily to help burn more calories, suppress your appetite and flush out toxins. Your body will thank you!

3. Pack your lunch and healthy snacks the night before. Doing this will help your mornings go smoother & keeps you away from vending machines & drive thru’s.

4. Do not make up for over-eating by not eating. Have a high protein low carb breakfast and keep those healthy snacks around.

5. Get moving. Take the steps instead of the elevator. Make an exercise calendar that you can do at home tailored to you.

6. Hold yourself accountable. Come in for your appointments & meet with our dietitians for help with meal planning & healthier food alternatives.

7. Remember how far you’ve come & keep pushing forward.

8. Stay positive. Getting back into the groove will be as fulfilling as you allow it. A healthy mind promotes a healthy body.

Categories: Nutrition

Instead of one day, let today be your day!

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