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Category: Exercise/Fitness

POSTED | May 3rd, 2024

Get Moving in May!

May is National Fitness Month It is National Fitness Month, during which health and well-being are promoted through regular physical activity. This campaign promotes healthy habits among people of all ages, such as regular physical activity, a [...]

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POSTED | March 6th, 2024

Figure Weight Loss Celebrates National Nutrition Month®!

March is National Nutrition Month! The campaign focuses on the importance of making healthy, sustainable changes to your diet. It also encourages families to model healthy eating habits for their children. Finally, it highlights the importance [...]

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POSTED | January 16th, 2024

Making Time for Exercise

Many people set the goal to exercise more regularly, especially at this time of year with New Year’s resolutions. We all know that exercise is good for us. It can help us manage our weight, prevent disease, sleep better, and feel less stressed. [...]

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POSTED | December 3rd, 2023

Stay Active During the Winter Months

Just because the cold weather is here doesn’t mean you have to stop exercising. Make a weekly workout plan and stick to it! Here are some ideas Bring the gym to your home. Use stretch bands and your own body resistance. There are plenty of work [...]

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POSTED | July 14th, 2023

Physical Activities Improve Your Health

Being physically active helps control your weight. You gain weight when the calories you burn, including those burned during physical activity, are less than the calories you consume. Start slowly when you’re starting off your work out regimen. [...]

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POSTED | October 7th, 2021

Fall Exercise Ideas. Let’s Get Moving!

The crisp weather and beautiful foliage this time of year just begs us to get outside and be active. There are a lot of options during the fall season to stay busy and enjoy the beautiful weather. Here are a list of things you can find in your [...]

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