Accountability and Weight Loss

Holding Yourself Accountable

is the key to achieving your weight loss goals. Apply the tips below to guide you on your journey to success.

1. Change Your Mindset

Change Your Mindset

The mind body connection is real. First visualize your goals, secondly visualize yourself achieving these goals. Imagining your life in a state of good health can help you find your mindset for motivation. So, are you mentally prepared to make the necessary changes? How will you stay inspired? Find graphics and quotes that resonate with your specific health and weight loss goals and make them visible everyday.

Reaching these goals will be much easier with the right support. With our providers knowledge and expertise, you will be prescribed the best medication for you (there are certain qualifications for specific medications) and have accessible education for your specific medical needs.

2. Make Healthy Living a Priority

Track Your Progress

You may not be used to working out or meal planning. It’s important to carve out time and use a schedule to allow you to do this. Think about what this looks like for you. There are many Apps that can be downloaded to help you stick to a routine. Let us know if this is something you struggle with, as we have printable meal journals and recommendations on specific Apps that have helped our patients stay on track. Be mindful of movement! Think of ways you can be less sedentary and move your body. Can you take the steps instead of an elevator? Think about your breaks at work throughout the day. Instead of scrolling social media, go for a walk. All movements that you didn’t do before will help the results you see on the scale!

3. Track Your Progress

We want you to track your progress in ways that are healthy for you. Some patients need to weigh themselves often to stay on track, but others are advised to only weigh in for their appointments with us. Which type of person are you? If you know you’re more likely to “throw in the towel” once you’ve hit a plateau or if you’re not losing weight as quickly as you had hoped, then you may want to stay away from daily or weekly weigh ins.

Don’t forget about non-scale victories! If you find yourself obsessively weighing yourself or only thinking about numbers on the scale, we want you to take a step back and look at your overall progress.

Find an Accountability Buddy

4. Find an Accountability Buddy

This may be your most valuable resource and it’s free! We encourage our patients to develop a weight loss team or to find a partner to navigate this journey with. Statistics show people who have weight loss partners are 3x more likely to succeed & to reach their weight loss goal. Joining forces with friends & family not only increases the likelihood of reaching your goal, but it makes the experience more enjoyable. Most of our out of state patients car-pool to in-house appointments but we’ve made access to care even easier by providing a telehealth service! We understand not everybody’s schedule aligns, but you can still hold one another accountable while taking advantage of the convenience of appointments from your home or office!

Instead of one day, let today be your day!

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